วันอังคารที่ 24 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Today, just some randomness

My one Thai friend who married an American and moved to Minnesota came to visit 2 days ago and we have all been hanging out. Her husband also speaks Thai and the two of us have been having a hell of a time mindfucking the locals in this resort area cause they rarely hear Farang speak Thai.

Other than that, THE RAPTURE!!!!! didn't happen it seems, but I did see this gem:

Looks like some one was even spending money over here talking about the rapture... Less than 1% of the 65+million people here are Christian....

I also took some photos from the deck of the one mall here in Pattaya, here they are unedited in 16:9 ratio... they are probably going to be a PITA to upload on this crappy internet.

Lastly, Fear the Eon made a post about crappy google maps and it reminded me about the Arby's google maps places in my University's ecological study area. *Doh* I can't find it now to link it :( I will look later.

OK well I am off to a smaller island today and won't have my laptop. Maybe I'll make a post from my iPod if I can find wifi.

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